This is just a couple of pre-season warm up jumps in the new Aura light! So stoked with this suit! New Zealand has some pretty epic terrain to be explored. If you want to see the time lapses and lakes check out the fancy edit by Paul Webster of our January Trip!
On the 1st of January 2000, a Millennium Base Jump took place in Auckland New Zealand. First to see in the new Millennium.. 10 Auckland skydivers went down in history as the first legal base jump in New Zealand took place. Tim Fastnedge gained approvals from Transit New Zealand to carry out the jump from the Auckland Harbour Bridge, as a “millennium event”. 120 feet above sea level approx.
Jumpers: Andy Godfrey, Bea Austin, Callum Baird, Garth Lawless, Paul Early, Stu Read, Scott Beange, Tim Fastnedge, Tony Moore, Shane Baird
Thanks to: Severn Smith – Technical advisor; Paree Del La Varis – Medical support; Bridget Pirie – Safety Officer; Thanks to our Boat Recovery crews & the Marine Ambulance
Thanks to Transit New Zealand.
* Special thanks to Gerard Dunning for putting this video together..
Mutton birds: wingsuit BASE jumping in New Zealand.
Malachi and David cruise around Milford Sound in their wingsuits.
Music: Left Me For Dead, by Rob Dougan
GoPro HD Athlete Alexander Polli wingsuit diving in New Zealand, Switzerland, and Norway. This is proximity flying with a wingsuit and proximity flying in tracking gear (tracksuit) without a wingsuit; tracking gear consists of a jacket and pants that inflate with air, which then increases push force when you move your body through the air.
Proximity flying with a wingsuit is recommended only for very trained athletes and is considered a very dangerous sport. Proximity flying in tracking gear leaves even less margin for error and requires a more specific choice of flyable lines—if you get too deep, you don’t have wings to help you get out.