Compilation of Wing Suit and Tracking BASE flights all over Europe. Featuring jumps with: Kyrre Berg, Halvor Angvik, Kristian Johansen, Jay Tatum, Freefly Rob, Kurt Garmo, Robby WInchester, Terje Halvorsen
hello, I’m here to discover Iceland for a week.
I’ve been practicing base jumping for a few years and I’d like to discover some exits during my road trip. I jump in smooth and wingsuit. not finding anything on the net would you kindly give me names of spot and some information on the environment wind access and other. Thank you in advance, my dates in the country would be early August.
hello, I’m here to discover Iceland for a week.
I’ve been practicing base jumping for a few years and I’d like to discover some exits during my road trip. I jump in smooth and wingsuit. not finding anything on the net would you kindly give me names of spot and some information on the environment wind access and other. Thank you in advance, my dates in the country would be early August.