Daring wingsuit flyers compete in this first-ever competition in Red Bull Aces

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Daring wingsuit flyers compete in this first-ever competition

52 of the world’s top wingsuit flyers descended on Oakdale, California, two hours east of San Francisco, for Red Bull Aces, the first-ever side-by-side wingsuit racing event.

Created by Red Bull Air Force pilot Luke Aikins, Red Bull Aces was split into a series of elimination heats of four wingsuit flyers, who were transported by plane up to 8,000 feet. From there, they jumped and flew through four gates, staggered at thousand-foot intervals between 6,500-3,500 feet.

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Gary Connery with Kali (16 Years old son)

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Incredible Father & Son Base Jump

16 Year Old’s 1st Ever Base Jump


Incredible Father & Son base jump with Gary Connery & Kali in Croatia. Gary shares his passion for base jumping with his son Kali. Kali takes a one in a lifetime trip to Croatia to become one of the youngest base jumpers in the world.

Gary Connery is a British stuntman, base jumper & skydiver. He was the stunt double for the Queen in the 2012 Olympics & has worked on films such as Indiana Jones, Batman & James Bond. He also completed the first ever wingsuit jump with no parachute by landing on cardboard boxes.

Gary took a trip to Croatia with his son Kali to help his son fulfill his dream: completing his 1st base jump at the age of 16.