Tag Archives: Konkan Kada

Indian Base Jumping

Indian Base Jumping

RIP 1980-20?? (Rise in Peace)

RIP 1980-20?? (Rise in Peace) is a short film about an Indian Base Jumper who became in the first person who jumped Konkan Kada, a Cliff in India that nobody has ever jumped before! This Is Real Action, Real Adventure And Real Danger!

india base jumping

Anyone who sees a base jumper dive off the edge of a cliff has to wonder what is going on in that person’s head. Most will say that he is Crazy. But when you see the reasoning behind it. You know why base jumpers are willing to risk their life.

Starring: Aish
Director-Cameramen-Editor: Akash Dixit
Production manager: Akash Singhai
Produced by Urban Fakir Films
Locations: Konkan Kada, Harishchandragad Western Ghats, India

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