Catching up with Zak Tessier
BY: Matt Gerdes
Zak Tessier is a bit of an odd duck – if you have hung out much in Lodi, CA, or Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, then you’ve probably met him – living out of a van, living to jump – and you probably sensed his intense dedication to our sport, and for pushing himself to a higher level each day. His raw, frothy passion for BASE is almost freakish, and can make a normally passionate jumper feel somewhat lame and part-time by comparison.
“Zak Tessier – the multitool, the swiss army knife of the sky. Not only versatile with the skills of wingsuiting, BASE jumping, aerial photography, and canopy piloting, Zak is also our engineer. If we can think it, he can build it and rig it.” – Harry Parker
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